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The New Patriotic Party (NPP) faithfuls in Ejisu are increasingly loosing faith in the newly elected national executives over the delay in releasing the verdict on their polling station election petition.

It will be recalled that over 2000 polling station applicants in the Ejisu constituency were disenfranchised owing to the fact that a section of the election committee led by Mr Paul Yandoh,

allegedly went about at midnight and early dawn to some selected polling stations to declare faithfuls of the incumbent MP as winners at the blind side of over 2000 other applicants.
This led to series of demonstrations and press conferences by the aggrieved party faithfuls. A petition was thus presented to the party’s top hierarchy by the aggrieved party members.

A motion of injunction was sort and served by a high court in Kumasi yet the party went ahead and conducted constituency executive committee elections in Ejisu.

The aggrieved party appeared before an ADRC and several months after, the matter remains unresolved. The New Trust Newspaper has gathered that this heightened tension as well as great disaffection for the NPP in the Ejisu constituency.

Rumour has it that the NEC verdict does not favour the incumbent MP ,hence the delay. Allegedly, a mediation team led by some chiefs has been set up to coarse the aggrieved party to forgive and forget.

Speaking to a section of the aggrieved party members, they expressed their disappointment in both the past and present Ashanti regional and National executives for deliberately delaying the verdict after both video and pictorial evidences had been produced by the petitioners.

“All we want is a free and fair broad daylight polling station elections”. Asked what will be done if their petition is not granted, their answer was..

“Then expect an independent MP to represent Ejisu in 2024. “We will not allow the party to go down in Ejisu because of one person’s selfish interest”..they said.




The New Patriotic Party (NPP) faithfuls in Ejisu are increasingly loosing faith in the newly elected national executives over the delay in releasing the verdict on their polling station election petition.

It will be recalled that over 2000 polling station applicants in the Ejisu constituency were disenfranchised owing to the fact that a section of the election committee led by Mr Paul Yandoh,

allegedly went about at midnight and early dawn to some selected polling stations to declare faithfuls of the incumbent MP as winners at the blind side of over 2000 other applicants.
This led to series of demonstrations and press conferences by the aggrieved party faithfuls. A petition was thus presented to the party’s top hierarchy by the aggrieved party members.

A motion of injunction was sort and served by a high court in Kumasi yet the party went ahead and conducted constituency executive committee elections in Ejisu.

The aggrieved party appeared before an ADRC and several months after, the matter remains unresolved. The New Trust Newspaper has gathered that this heightened tension as well as great disaffection for the NPP in the Ejisu constituency.

Rumour has it that the NEC verdict does not favour the incumbent MP ,hence the delay. Allegedly, a mediation team led by some chiefs has been set up to coarse the aggrieved party to forgive and forget.

Speaking to a section of the aggrieved party members, they expressed their disappointment in both the past and present Ashanti regional and National executives for deliberately delaying the verdict after both video and pictorial evidences had been produced by the petitioners.

“All we want is a free and fair broad daylight polling station elections”. Asked what will be done if their petition is not granted, their answer was..

“Then expect an independent MP to represent Ejisu in 2024. “We will not allow the party to go down in Ejisu because of one person’s selfish interest”..they said.

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