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Dr Emmanuel AMANKWAH Writes…


On Sunday 4th September the TESCON KNUST organized a handing over ceremony to usher in new executives to steer the affairs of the organization for the 2022/23 academic year.

Among the dignitaries present were, the National Youth Organizer, the Ashanti regional first vice chairperson, the deputy MASLOC chief executive, the national communication analyst, the regional organizer, the national deputy director of protocol, the TESCON regional coordinators, TESCON presidents of other sister universities, among others.

The program was dubbed “Capacity Building and Hand Over Ceremony”, and theme: holding together and working together to break the 8.

Various speakers took the stage to educate members and to commend the outgoing president and his executives and especially the electoral commissioner and her commissioners who came in with some innovations.

Many of the leaders took turns to apologize to the national TESCON fraternity of their remorse of the incidence of TESCON representatives not casting their votes both at the regional and national levels. Furthermore the leaders promised that the incident would never repeat itself again.

I, Dr Emmanuel AMANKWAH, the chief patron, requested from the leadership to put in place enough measures to cure the constitutional provision that mandates some category of TESCON executives to vote at the regional and national levels.

I further suggested to the national youth leadership to come up with proposals for the consideration of the National Council of the party for some sort of funding support for TESCON activities.

I thanked the executives for the good working relationship with all patrons, not forgetting the positive impact made on KNUST campus. I thanked exceptionally the outgone president, CN Baidoo for his good leadership skills and the EC Serwaa for the innovations, during the TESCON executive elections.

Among those who distinguished themselves well were the treasurer, Evelyn Adu and Justice A. Dartey, the secretary not leaving her able deputy secretary, Abigail Ankomah with her exceptional oratory skills, just to mention a few.

The Ashanti Regional youth organizer, SARFO Patrick led the new executives to swear the oath of office according to the constitution of TESCON. He informed the new executives to be law abiding and ensure that the new leadership strategically reach out to the grassroots to win more souls geared toward breaking the 8.

The national youth organizer Mr Salam Mustapha, assured members of his unflinching support to the Ghanaian youth and for that matter, TESCON and its activities.

He informed members that so far, places where executive elections had not been held for one reason or the other for over 3 years have been resolved and elections held.

He further went ahead to reiterate that plans are far advanced to ensure that there would not be any ambiguity when it comes to which category of TESCON executives should vote at the regional or national levels.

He admonished members present to work extra hard to make history of breaking the 8 since majority of Ghanaians have so much faith in the ruling New Patriotic Party.


Dr Emmanuel AMANKWAH Writes…


On Sunday 4th September the TESCON KNUST organized a handing over ceremony to usher in new executives to steer the affairs of the organization for the 2022/23 academic year.

Among the dignitaries present were, the National Youth Organizer, the Ashanti regional first vice chairperson, the deputy MASLOC chief executive, the national communication analyst, the regional organizer, the national deputy director of protocol, the TESCON regional coordinators, TESCON presidents of other sister universities, among others.

The program was dubbed “Capacity Building and Hand Over Ceremony”, and theme: holding together and working together to break the 8.

Various speakers took the stage to educate members and to commend the outgoing president and his executives and especially the electoral commissioner and her commissioners who came in with some innovations.

Many of the leaders took turns to apologize to the national TESCON fraternity of their remorse of the incidence of TESCON representatives not casting their votes both at the regional and national levels. Furthermore the leaders promised that the incident would never repeat itself again.

I, Dr Emmanuel AMANKWAH, the chief patron, requested from the leadership to put in place enough measures to cure the constitutional provision that mandates some category of TESCON executives to vote at the regional and national levels.

I further suggested to the national youth leadership to come up with proposals for the consideration of the National Council of the party for some sort of funding support for TESCON activities.

I thanked the executives for the good working relationship with all patrons, not forgetting the positive impact made on KNUST campus. I thanked exceptionally the outgone president, CN Baidoo for his good leadership skills and the EC Serwaa for the innovations, during the TESCON executive elections.

Among those who distinguished themselves well were the treasurer, Evelyn Adu and Justice A. Dartey, the secretary not leaving her able deputy secretary, Abigail Ankomah with her exceptional oratory skills, just to mention a few.

The Ashanti Regional youth organizer, SARFO Patrick led the new executives to swear the oath of office according to the constitution of TESCON. He informed the new executives to be law abiding and ensure that the new leadership strategically reach out to the grassroots to win more souls geared toward breaking the 8.

The national youth organizer Mr Salam Mustapha, assured members of his unflinching support to the Ghanaian youth and for that matter, TESCON and its activities.

He informed members that so far, places where executive elections had not been held for one reason or the other for over 3 years have been resolved and elections held.

He further went ahead to reiterate that plans are far advanced to ensure that there would not be any ambiguity when it comes to which category of TESCON executives should vote at the regional or national levels.

He admonished members present to work extra hard to make history of breaking the 8 since majority of Ghanaians have so much faith in the ruling New Patriotic Party.

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