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Dr.Duffour’s camp ‘Fires’ NDC Leadership For Cancelling Ahotor Project Launch

Former National Organizer of the NDC and Member of Dr. Kwabena Duffuor’s Ahotor Project Team, Yaw Boateng Gyan has pointed accusing fingers at the National Chairman for the opposition National Democratic Congress, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo for the failed launch of the ‘Ahotor’ project launch at the party’s Headquarters in Accra.


According to him, all was set for the event at the headquarters when the National Chairman through the National Communications Officer Sammy Gyamfi called to inform him that the relaunch has been put on hold.

“In the morning of Monday, June 6, 2022, while preparing for the relaunch on Tuesday, Sammy Gyamfi called me and delivered a message from the National Chairman, Hon. Ofosu Ampofo that the relaunch of the Ahotor has been put on hold.

“This was the last communication regarding the relaunch of the Ahotor Project with FEC,” the former NDC National Organizer explained in a statement.

He added, “We are still waiting for FEC official communication regarding the relaunch of Ahotor Project.”

Below is the full statement from the former National Organizer of the NDC

For Immediate Release.

Re: Re – Ofosu Ampofo Goes Dirty

Our attention has been drawn to a publication with the above heading purporting to be coming from the general secretary of the National Democratic Congress Johnson Asiedu Nketiah dated June 9 but issued on June 8 2022, relating to the relaunch of the Ahotor Project.

We wish to explain as follows:

On Wednesday, June 1 2022, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor and I, Yaw Boateng Gyan Former National Organiser of the NDC, met with the NDC Functional Executive Committee (FEC) and presented a draft agreement on the implementation of the Ahotor Project for the NDC Grassroots, for the consideration of FEC.

FEC deferred the draft agreement to the two lawyers, Hon. Alex Segbefia and Sammy Gyamfi for their study.
At this same meeting, FEC proposed, and we all agreed to relaunch the Ahotor project at the headquarters on Tuesday, June 7 at One11 am.

After the agreement to relaunch the Ahotor Project on Tuesday June 7, we thanked the members of FEC and left the meeting on Wednesday, June 1 2022.

On the evening of Thursday June 2 2022, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi, the national communications officer presented an edited version of the draft agreement to us for or consideration.

On this same Thursday evening, we also presented additional edits to the national communications officer, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi for their consideration. We did not hear from FEC throughout the weekend, so we focused on the preparations for the relaunch on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

In the morning of Monday, June 6, 2022, while preparing for the relaunch on Tuesday, Sammy Gyamfi called me and delivered a message from the National Chairman, Hon. Ofosu Ampofo that the relaunch of the Ahoto has been put on hold.

This was the last communication regarding the relaunch of the Ahotor Project with FEC. We are still waiting for FEC official communication regarding the relaunch of Ahotor Project.

We wish to assure the NDC membership that our resolve to equip the base with the necessary tools for financial independence is still as strong as ever.Long Live NDCLong Live Ghana

Signed Yaw Boateng Gyan,Former National Organiser and Member of Ahotor Project Team
Source: Ghana/

Mr.Yaw Boateng Gyan.a member of Dr.Duffour’s team

Dr.Duffour’s camp ‘Fires’ NDC Leadership For Cancelling Ahotor Project Launch

Former National Organizer of the NDC and Member of Dr. Kwabena Duffuor’s Ahotor Project Team, Yaw Boateng Gyan has pointed accusing fingers at the National Chairman for the opposition National Democratic Congress, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo for the failed launch of the ‘Ahotor’ project launch at the party’s Headquarters in Accra.


According to him, all was set for the event at the headquarters when the National Chairman through the National Communications Officer Sammy Gyamfi called to inform him that the relaunch has been put on hold.

“In the morning of Monday, June 6, 2022, while preparing for the relaunch on Tuesday, Sammy Gyamfi called me and delivered a message from the National Chairman, Hon. Ofosu Ampofo that the relaunch of the Ahotor has been put on hold.

“This was the last communication regarding the relaunch of the Ahotor Project with FEC,” the former NDC National Organizer explained in a statement.

He added, “We are still waiting for FEC official communication regarding the relaunch of Ahotor Project.”

Below is the full statement from the former National Organizer of the NDC

For Immediate Release.

Re: Re – Ofosu Ampofo Goes Dirty

Our attention has been drawn to a publication with the above heading purporting to be coming from the general secretary of the National Democratic Congress Johnson Asiedu Nketiah dated June 9 but issued on June 8 2022, relating to the relaunch of the Ahotor Project.

We wish to explain as follows:

On Wednesday, June 1 2022, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor and I, Yaw Boateng Gyan Former National Organiser of the NDC, met with the NDC Functional Executive Committee (FEC) and presented a draft agreement on the implementation of the Ahotor Project for the NDC Grassroots, for the consideration of FEC.

FEC deferred the draft agreement to the two lawyers, Hon. Alex Segbefia and Sammy Gyamfi for their study.
At this same meeting, FEC proposed, and we all agreed to relaunch the Ahotor project at the headquarters on Tuesday, June 7 at One11 am.

After the agreement to relaunch the Ahotor Project on Tuesday June 7, we thanked the members of FEC and left the meeting on Wednesday, June 1 2022.

On the evening of Thursday June 2 2022, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi, the national communications officer presented an edited version of the draft agreement to us for or consideration.

On this same Thursday evening, we also presented additional edits to the national communications officer, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi for their consideration. We did not hear from FEC throughout the weekend, so we focused on the preparations for the relaunch on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

In the morning of Monday, June 6, 2022, while preparing for the relaunch on Tuesday, Sammy Gyamfi called me and delivered a message from the National Chairman, Hon. Ofosu Ampofo that the relaunch of the Ahoto has been put on hold.

This was the last communication regarding the relaunch of the Ahotor Project with FEC. We are still waiting for FEC official communication regarding the relaunch of Ahotor Project.

We wish to assure the NDC membership that our resolve to equip the base with the necessary tools for financial independence is still as strong as ever.Long Live NDCLong Live Ghana

Signed Yaw Boateng Gyan,Former National Organiser and Member of Ahotor Project Team
Source: Ghana/

Mr.Yaw Boateng Gyan.a member of Dr.Duffour’s team

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