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FIX THE BROKEN ECONOMY-Rev.Elisha Arhin tells Nana Addo

The General Overseer of the Faith Redemption Chapel International at Asuofua – Nketia in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District of Ashanti, Rev. Elisha Arhin has complained bitterly about the high cost of living among Ghanaians.


He said Ghana has what it takes to make her citizens comfortable yet people are still suffering. Rev. Arhin in an exclusive interview said, Ghana should by now be self -dependence looking at the abundance of natural resources like gold, timber, bauxite, oil, manganese, cocoa among others.

He said the proceeds of these natural resources are been enjoyed by few people to the disadvantage of others. He complained how things are getting tough for ordinary citizens adding that some cannot even afford to meet one square meal a day.

Rev. Arhin noted with great concern that cost of food items as well as fuel keeps on rising everyday and however not surprised when the President, Nana Akufo- Addo is soliciting support from the clergies in the country.

” The situation of Ghana now is like a driver loosing steering wheel control, anything can happen ” he added.

To make things a little easier for Ghanaians, Rev. Arhin suggested to the President that salaries of his appointees are still huge and he must use his Executive Power to slash some. He also suggested that though the Free Education Policy is good but it must cover to a cut up point at least aggregate twenty ( 20 ).Story:By:Charles Ampong

FIX THE BROKEN ECONOMY-Rev.Elisha Arhin tells Nana Addo

The General Overseer of the Faith Redemption Chapel International at Asuofua – Nketia in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District of Ashanti, Rev. Elisha Arhin has complained bitterly about the high cost of living among Ghanaians.


He said Ghana has what it takes to make her citizens comfortable yet people are still suffering. Rev. Arhin in an exclusive interview said, Ghana should by now be self -dependence looking at the abundance of natural resources like gold, timber, bauxite, oil, manganese, cocoa among others.

He said the proceeds of these natural resources are been enjoyed by few people to the disadvantage of others. He complained how things are getting tough for ordinary citizens adding that some cannot even afford to meet one square meal a day.

Rev. Arhin noted with great concern that cost of food items as well as fuel keeps on rising everyday and however not surprised when the President, Nana Akufo- Addo is soliciting support from the clergies in the country.

” The situation of Ghana now is like a driver loosing steering wheel control, anything can happen ” he added.

To make things a little easier for Ghanaians, Rev. Arhin suggested to the President that salaries of his appointees are still huge and he must use his Executive Power to slash some. He also suggested that though the Free Education Policy is good but it must cover to a cut up point at least aggregate twenty ( 20 ).Story:By:Charles Ampong

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