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The Juaben Circuit Court in the Ashanti Region, presided over by Mrs. Rosemarie Afua Asante has sentenced a 22-year-old labourer, Kofi Duffour to 15 years imprisonment for defiling a nine-year-old class three pupil at Kumawu Besoro.

Narrating the facts of the matter to the Court, the Prosecuting Officer, Police Inspector Charles Vitashie said on the fifth of May this year, the victim was left by her mother in the house when she left home at about 6am.

At about 11 am, Duffour came to the house and requested for drinking water from the girl, which she obliged. Inspector Vitashie said after drinking the water, Duffour pounced on the girl and had sex with her on the veranda in front of the room.

The girl narrated her ordeal to the mother upon her return to the house and a formal complaint was made at the Bodomase Police Station where an extract was prepared and forwarded to the Effiduase Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit for investigation.

Inspector Vitashie said Duffour was arrested, he admitted to committing the crime and was subsequently processed for court.Source:GBC




The Juaben Circuit Court in the Ashanti Region, presided over by Mrs. Rosemarie Afua Asante has sentenced a 22-year-old labourer, Kofi Duffour to 15 years imprisonment for defiling a nine-year-old class three pupil at Kumawu Besoro.

Narrating the facts of the matter to the Court, the Prosecuting Officer, Police Inspector Charles Vitashie said on the fifth of May this year, the victim was left by her mother in the house when she left home at about 6am.

At about 11 am, Duffour came to the house and requested for drinking water from the girl, which she obliged. Inspector Vitashie said after drinking the water, Duffour pounced on the girl and had sex with her on the veranda in front of the room.

The girl narrated her ordeal to the mother upon her return to the house and a formal complaint was made at the Bodomase Police Station where an extract was prepared and forwarded to the Effiduase Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit for investigation.

Inspector Vitashie said Duffour was arrested, he admitted to committing the crime and was subsequently processed for court.Source:GBC

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