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Lobby for More feeder roads not interchanges-NTK tells Ashanti leaders



Mr.Ntim  Twumasi Kwaku ,the former British Military Officer who doubles as immediate past 2nd Vice chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) at Ejisu constituency in the Ashanti region has urged the leaders in the region especially Members of Parliament (MPs) to lobby for their communities to get improve feeder roads instead of fighting for interchanges.

Mr.Ntim who is popularly known in the political space as NTK  made the suggestion at Garden City Radio in Kumasi.
“Why fight for interchanges when your community and feeder roads are in deplorable state?.

Ask for tarred road to all our farming communities so that food and other supplies will be readily available on our markets”.

Mr.Ntim who is also the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of NTK Ventures and a member of NPP communications team lamented that Consumable food are perishing in farms due to bad and deplorable access roads.

According to him,farmers are impoverished because 70% of their farm products perished on the farms. He observed that the amount spent on a single 3 or 4 tier interchange can complete almost all the roads in Manso, Kwaabre, Ejisu, Bosomtwe, Effiduase, Kumawu, Juaben etc.
“Why have we programmed our minds and interested towards only interchanges?. With good roads, these small communities will open up for development, factories and other small businesses. It will help minimize rural-urban migration.

Teachers, nurses/midwives, will not object when posted to these areas. Kumasi does not need more than 1 or 2 interchanges for now. Let’s focus our energies on our communities and feeder roads to attract investors to our towns and villages.

Lobby for More feeder roads not interchanges-NTK tells Ashanti leaders



Mr.Ntim  Twumasi Kwaku ,the former British Military Officer who doubles as immediate past 2nd Vice chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) at Ejisu constituency in the Ashanti region has urged the leaders in the region especially Members of Parliament (MPs) to lobby for their communities to get improve feeder roads instead of fighting for interchanges.

Mr.Ntim who is popularly known in the political space as NTK  made the suggestion at Garden City Radio in Kumasi.
“Why fight for interchanges when your community and feeder roads are in deplorable state?.

Ask for tarred road to all our farming communities so that food and other supplies will be readily available on our markets”.

Mr.Ntim who is also the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of NTK Ventures and a member of NPP communications team lamented that Consumable food are perishing in farms due to bad and deplorable access roads.

According to him,farmers are impoverished because 70% of their farm products perished on the farms. He observed that the amount spent on a single 3 or 4 tier interchange can complete almost all the roads in Manso, Kwaabre, Ejisu, Bosomtwe, Effiduase, Kumawu, Juaben etc.
“Why have we programmed our minds and interested towards only interchanges?. With good roads, these small communities will open up for development, factories and other small businesses. It will help minimize rural-urban migration.

Teachers, nurses/midwives, will not object when posted to these areas. Kumasi does not need more than 1 or 2 interchanges for now. Let’s focus our energies on our communities and feeder roads to attract investors to our towns and villages.

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