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NPP Constituency Executives Must Be Proactive To Break The 8 — Sir John Urges



Source: Isaac AMOAH/

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Constituency First Vice Chairman in Atwima Nwabiagya South and Ashanti Regional TESCON Patron, John Kwame Duodu (Sir John), has urged NPP constituency executives to be proactive to help the party break the 8.

According to him, the NPP has been in power for two terms now, and the party is gearing up for the next general election in 2024.

He said in order to stay in power and continue the progress they have made, the NPP constituency executives must be proactive and work together to break the eight-year cycle that has plagued Ghanaian politics for decades.

He added that one of the main reasons the NPP constituency executives must be proactive is that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is always working hard to regain power. The NDC has a strong support base and has come close to winning in the past elections, so the NPP must not downplay the possibility of an NDC victory.

According to him, to break the eight-year cycle, the NPP constituency executives must focus on mobilising grassroot support. They must work on building relationships with the party members at the grassroot level and ensure that they are engaged and motivated to come out and vote for the party in the next elections.

Another important aspect of being proactive is to identify and address any issues or challenges that may arise within the party. The NPP constituency executives must be open to feedback and willing to make necessary changes to ensure the success of the party in the next elections.

Sir John

He stressed that the NPP constituency executives must also work on expanding the party’s reach and appeal to a wider range of voters. This may involve reaching out to different demographics and communities and communicating the party’s policies and agenda in a way that resonates with them.

In addition, the NPP constituency executives must work on improving the party’s image and reputation.

They must ensure that the party is seen as a credible and trustworthy political entity perceived to deliver on its electoral promises.

Moreover, the NPP constituency executives must also work on building strong alliances and partnerships with other political parties and interest groups. By working together with other like-minded entities, the NPP can strengthen its position and increase its chances of success in the next elections.

Another important aspect of being proactive is to continuously engage with the constituents and listen to their concerns and needs. The NPP constituency executives must be responsive to the needs of the people and ensure that they are working towards addressing them.

Furthermore, the NPP constituency executives must also work on building a strong and effective campaign strategy.

They must focus on messaging, communication, and mobilisation to ensure a successful election campaign.

In conclusion, the NPP constituency executives must be proactive to break the eight-year cycle and ensure the party’s continued success in the next elections. By focusing on mobilising grassroot support, addressing issues within the party, expanding its reach, improving its image, building alliances, engaging with constituents, and building an effective campaign strategy, the NPP constituency executives can increase their chances of victory in the next elections.

The NPP constituency executives must work together towards achieving this goal and ensure that the party remains in power for a third term.

NPP Constituency Executives Must Be Proactive To Break The 8 — Sir John Urges



Source: Isaac AMOAH/

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Constituency First Vice Chairman in Atwima Nwabiagya South and Ashanti Regional TESCON Patron, John Kwame Duodu (Sir John), has urged NPP constituency executives to be proactive to help the party break the 8.

According to him, the NPP has been in power for two terms now, and the party is gearing up for the next general election in 2024.

He said in order to stay in power and continue the progress they have made, the NPP constituency executives must be proactive and work together to break the eight-year cycle that has plagued Ghanaian politics for decades.

He added that one of the main reasons the NPP constituency executives must be proactive is that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is always working hard to regain power. The NDC has a strong support base and has come close to winning in the past elections, so the NPP must not downplay the possibility of an NDC victory.

According to him, to break the eight-year cycle, the NPP constituency executives must focus on mobilising grassroot support. They must work on building relationships with the party members at the grassroot level and ensure that they are engaged and motivated to come out and vote for the party in the next elections.

Another important aspect of being proactive is to identify and address any issues or challenges that may arise within the party. The NPP constituency executives must be open to feedback and willing to make necessary changes to ensure the success of the party in the next elections.

Sir John

He stressed that the NPP constituency executives must also work on expanding the party’s reach and appeal to a wider range of voters. This may involve reaching out to different demographics and communities and communicating the party’s policies and agenda in a way that resonates with them.

In addition, the NPP constituency executives must work on improving the party’s image and reputation.

They must ensure that the party is seen as a credible and trustworthy political entity perceived to deliver on its electoral promises.

Moreover, the NPP constituency executives must also work on building strong alliances and partnerships with other political parties and interest groups. By working together with other like-minded entities, the NPP can strengthen its position and increase its chances of success in the next elections.

Another important aspect of being proactive is to continuously engage with the constituents and listen to their concerns and needs. The NPP constituency executives must be responsive to the needs of the people and ensure that they are working towards addressing them.

Furthermore, the NPP constituency executives must also work on building a strong and effective campaign strategy.

They must focus on messaging, communication, and mobilisation to ensure a successful election campaign.

In conclusion, the NPP constituency executives must be proactive to break the eight-year cycle and ensure the party’s continued success in the next elections. By focusing on mobilising grassroot support, addressing issues within the party, expanding its reach, improving its image, building alliances, engaging with constituents, and building an effective campaign strategy, the NPP constituency executives can increase their chances of victory in the next elections.

The NPP constituency executives must work together towards achieving this goal and ensure that the party remains in power for a third term.

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