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Prophet Predicts Victory for NPP’s Dr. Bawumia in upcoming General Election



As the political climate heats up in Ghana ahead of the forthcoming general elections, a bold prediction has emerged from Prophet Frederick Nsiah Appiah of Graceland Power Ministry, located at Asokore Mampong in the Ashanti Region.

According to the prophet, a divine revelation has made it clear that Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Presidential Candidate, is destined to win the election.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah

Prophet Nsiah Appiah shared that this revelation came to him through a series of dreams, each affirming the same outcome.

Despite multiple prayers and spiritual inquiries, the message remained consistent: Dr. Bawumia is the chosen one to lead Ghana.

The prophet insists that his prediction is not influenced by any desire for favor or monetary gain from the NPP but is a true reflection of the divine message he received.

In his statement, Prophet Nsiah Appiah advised the National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate, John Dramani Mahama, to reconsider his campaign efforts.

He expressed certainty that Mahama’s efforts would be in vain as the divine revelation assured Bawumia’s victory.

However, he emphasized that this prophecy should not lead to complacency on the part of Dr. Bawumia and his supporters.

He cautioned that while the presidency is destined for Bawumia, it requires diligent effort and reliance on God to manifest fully.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah’s prophecy has undoubtedly stirred the political waters, as such declarations often do.

He acknowledged potential backlash from the public and political opponents but remained steadfast in his belief.

He emphasized his conviction in the prophecy, stating that he is merely a messenger of what the Lord has revealed to him.

Moreover, the prophet made it clear that he does not seek any direct interaction or acknowledgment from Dr. Bawumia.

Instead, he urged the candidate to focus on his faith and work towards the prophesied victory with diligence and integrity.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah reiterated that his sole purpose is to convey the divine message, leaving the rest in the hands of the NPP candidate and his faith in God.

This revelation by Prophet Nsiah Appiah adds a spiritual dimension to the political contest, reflecting the deeply rooted religious beliefs that often intersect with Ghanaian politics.

Whether or not his prophecy will come to pass remains to be seen, but it has undoubtedly contributed to the fervor and anticipation surrounding the upcoming elections.

As Ghanaians prepare to head to the polls, the words of Prophet Nsiah Appiah serve as a reminder of the diverse factors, both seen and unseen, that influence the political landscape.

The country watches with bated breath to see if this divine prediction will unfold as a foretold.


Prophet Predicts Victory for NPP’s Dr. Bawumia in upcoming General Election



As the political climate heats up in Ghana ahead of the forthcoming general elections, a bold prediction has emerged from Prophet Frederick Nsiah Appiah of Graceland Power Ministry, located at Asokore Mampong in the Ashanti Region.

According to the prophet, a divine revelation has made it clear that Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Presidential Candidate, is destined to win the election.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah

Prophet Nsiah Appiah shared that this revelation came to him through a series of dreams, each affirming the same outcome.

Despite multiple prayers and spiritual inquiries, the message remained consistent: Dr. Bawumia is the chosen one to lead Ghana.

The prophet insists that his prediction is not influenced by any desire for favor or monetary gain from the NPP but is a true reflection of the divine message he received.

In his statement, Prophet Nsiah Appiah advised the National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate, John Dramani Mahama, to reconsider his campaign efforts.

He expressed certainty that Mahama’s efforts would be in vain as the divine revelation assured Bawumia’s victory.

However, he emphasized that this prophecy should not lead to complacency on the part of Dr. Bawumia and his supporters.

He cautioned that while the presidency is destined for Bawumia, it requires diligent effort and reliance on God to manifest fully.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah’s prophecy has undoubtedly stirred the political waters, as such declarations often do.

He acknowledged potential backlash from the public and political opponents but remained steadfast in his belief.

He emphasized his conviction in the prophecy, stating that he is merely a messenger of what the Lord has revealed to him.

Moreover, the prophet made it clear that he does not seek any direct interaction or acknowledgment from Dr. Bawumia.

Instead, he urged the candidate to focus on his faith and work towards the prophesied victory with diligence and integrity.

Prophet Nsiah Appiah reiterated that his sole purpose is to convey the divine message, leaving the rest in the hands of the NPP candidate and his faith in God.

This revelation by Prophet Nsiah Appiah adds a spiritual dimension to the political contest, reflecting the deeply rooted religious beliefs that often intersect with Ghanaian politics.

Whether or not his prophecy will come to pass remains to be seen, but it has undoubtedly contributed to the fervor and anticipation surrounding the upcoming elections.

As Ghanaians prepare to head to the polls, the words of Prophet Nsiah Appiah serve as a reminder of the diverse factors, both seen and unseen, that influence the political landscape.

The country watches with bated breath to see if this divine prediction will unfold as a foretold.


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