The Zongohene of Mpasatia in the Atwima Mponua District of Ashanti, Chief Abdullai Mohammed has urged the security agencies in the country, especially those on the country’s borders to leave no stone unturned by making sure that people entering Ghana are highly searched now that the nation is on terrorists alert as declared by the National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaa.
He objected to the call that Ghana can never ever be attack by the terrorists. In an exclusive interview, Chief Abdullai Mohammed who is also the President of Council of Northern Chiefs of Mpasatia said “we should not be complacent that Ghana is a “Christian country” and this unfortunate news cannot hit Ghana.
According to him, it is a matter of putting in place the necessary measures to contain the issue. He said in as much as Ghana is a free nation in terms of movements should come with a condition. He said some foreign Nationals have taken advantage of free movements in Ghana to perpetuate their criminal activities.
Chief Abdullai Mohammed noted that mosques would be at high risk in terms of alleged planned terrorist attack because at the mosques all worshippers cover most of their bodies and also use their gestures in their worshipping processes.
He said all Ghanaians irrespective of political differences should endeavour to report any suspicious persons in their localities as a way of contributing their little efforts to make Ghana safe for all. Chief Abdullai urged Imams in the various mosques to put basic security measures in place as directed by the minister.