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Sekyere Afram Plains Youth spit fire over slow, abandoned projects but DCE shoots down claim

The Concerned Citizens of Sekyere Afram Plains District in the Ashanti Region have expressed their displeasure and worry about the slow and poor development in the district. The Group which is not enthused about alleged abandoned projects and the slow space of the on- going projects has served notice to hit the streets very soon.



They emphasized that, many projects which were started as far back in 2012 have still not been completed. They gave examples like the District Assembly Block, DCE’s Bungalow and the Senior High School block as major key project which have not seen the light of completion.


The Youth Group indicated and bemoaned about how the little money from the Common Fund and Donor Development Fund (DDF) which are supposed to been used to the benefit of the district are been spent on rented facilities. The group in a statement signed by its President, Mr. Boakye  entitled “SLOW DEVELOPMENT  IN SEKYERE AFRAM PLAINS DISTRICT PUTTING THE CITIZENS LIFE IN POOR CONDITION”, alleged that over the years, these funds are being used to pay for recurring expenditures for rent of Assembly Block, DCE’s Bungalow and some other expenses of the Assembly. Because of these spending, nothing was left to develop the district.

They listed major challenges facing the District as poor road network, communication network, electricity,water and sanitation which were affecting the socio-economic development of the area.

“We’re not seeing any change or any action to develop the district since the leadership has not shown any positive actions toward the numerous challenges facing the good people of the district.

We are therefore calling on the Leadership, more particularly the Member of Parliament and the District Chief Executive for the area to take the necessary action to change the situation”.

The group however, revealed that if leadership in the district should fail to address their concerns they will embark on a massive demonstration against the DCE and MP of the area.


You can contact Mr. Boakye Yiadom on … Mr. Boakye Droboso Concerned Youth President: 0242251960 is my number please

Meanwhile, when contacted the District Chief Executive (DCE) of the area,Hon.Amidu Sulemana who doubles as the former NPP constituency chairman described the claims by the Concern youth as false. According to him, when he took over office the DCE’s bungalow has been done but was yet to be fenced, connected with electricity and water.”As I speak to you now plans are far advanced to address all those outstanding things for the bungalow to be ready for use .I’m currently operating from my own house and not rented apartment”.

Touching on the uncompleted District Assembly’s block which was started by the NDC Administration, Hon.Sulemana said the project was rewarded to another contractor after the first contractor abandoned the project without any traced of him during his predecessor,Hon.Joseph Owusu era.And this second contractor also left site because of financial constraint but fortunately for them after his meeting with the contractor and follow-up with the Minister and Administrator of the Common Fund, the contractor’s certificate has been honored and he is  currently on site and working on the pavement blocks.

He however, admitted that to motivate the staffs who have been travelling from Kumawu to the District every day, the Assembly decided to rent accommodation for few of them as a motivation before he took over office.

The DCE said to help address accommodation challenged of the Assembly  since he took over office they have been able to put up bungalows for the Junior staff, Education Director, District Magistrate, District Police Commander’s bungalow even though, they are yet to get a District Commander all at where the DCE’s bungalow is located.

The DCE who couldn’t fathom why the group was going about with their claims said recently he held a forum with the citizens to explain things to them and address their concerns. He added that the Assembly has no control over the funds for the construction of the District Assembly’s block among other projects as been alleged by the concern citizens of the area.

Hon.Dan Kwaku Botwe,Local Gov’t Minister and Nana Addo

Sekyere Afram Plains Youth spit fire over slow, abandoned projects but DCE shoots down claim

The Concerned Citizens of Sekyere Afram Plains District in the Ashanti Region have expressed their displeasure and worry about the slow and poor development in the district. The Group which is not enthused about alleged abandoned projects and the slow space of the on- going projects has served notice to hit the streets very soon.



They emphasized that, many projects which were started as far back in 2012 have still not been completed. They gave examples like the District Assembly Block, DCE’s Bungalow and the Senior High School block as major key project which have not seen the light of completion.


The Youth Group indicated and bemoaned about how the little money from the Common Fund and Donor Development Fund (DDF) which are supposed to been used to the benefit of the district are been spent on rented facilities. The group in a statement signed by its President, Mr. Boakye  entitled “SLOW DEVELOPMENT  IN SEKYERE AFRAM PLAINS DISTRICT PUTTING THE CITIZENS LIFE IN POOR CONDITION”, alleged that over the years, these funds are being used to pay for recurring expenditures for rent of Assembly Block, DCE’s Bungalow and some other expenses of the Assembly. Because of these spending, nothing was left to develop the district.

They listed major challenges facing the District as poor road network, communication network, electricity,water and sanitation which were affecting the socio-economic development of the area.

“We’re not seeing any change or any action to develop the district since the leadership has not shown any positive actions toward the numerous challenges facing the good people of the district.

We are therefore calling on the Leadership, more particularly the Member of Parliament and the District Chief Executive for the area to take the necessary action to change the situation”.

The group however, revealed that if leadership in the district should fail to address their concerns they will embark on a massive demonstration against the DCE and MP of the area.


You can contact Mr. Boakye Yiadom on … Mr. Boakye Droboso Concerned Youth President: 0242251960 is my number please

Meanwhile, when contacted the District Chief Executive (DCE) of the area,Hon.Amidu Sulemana who doubles as the former NPP constituency chairman described the claims by the Concern youth as false. According to him, when he took over office the DCE’s bungalow has been done but was yet to be fenced, connected with electricity and water.”As I speak to you now plans are far advanced to address all those outstanding things for the bungalow to be ready for use .I’m currently operating from my own house and not rented apartment”.

Touching on the uncompleted District Assembly’s block which was started by the NDC Administration, Hon.Sulemana said the project was rewarded to another contractor after the first contractor abandoned the project without any traced of him during his predecessor,Hon.Joseph Owusu era.And this second contractor also left site because of financial constraint but fortunately for them after his meeting with the contractor and follow-up with the Minister and Administrator of the Common Fund, the contractor’s certificate has been honored and he is  currently on site and working on the pavement blocks.

He however, admitted that to motivate the staffs who have been travelling from Kumawu to the District every day, the Assembly decided to rent accommodation for few of them as a motivation before he took over office.

The DCE said to help address accommodation challenged of the Assembly  since he took over office they have been able to put up bungalows for the Junior staff, Education Director, District Magistrate, District Police Commander’s bungalow even though, they are yet to get a District Commander all at where the DCE’s bungalow is located.

The DCE who couldn’t fathom why the group was going about with their claims said recently he held a forum with the citizens to explain things to them and address their concerns. He added that the Assembly has no control over the funds for the construction of the District Assembly’s block among other projects as been alleged by the concern citizens of the area.

Hon.Dan Kwaku Botwe,Local Gov’t Minister and Nana Addo

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