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The Newly crowned chief of Kumawu-Bomeng in the Sekyere Kumawu District of Ashanti region,Nana Kwarteng Agyakumhene II,has called on citizens of Kumawu Bomeng to come together as one to ensure development.


Speaking during the crowning ceremony at Effiduasi in the Sekyere East District of Ashanti, he mentioned that, Kumawu Bomeng use to have odikro as traditional leader of the community many years ago but the title has now been upgraded today to a chief status.

The new status,Nana Agyekumhene explained would go along way to help the community to take decisions on their own to accelerate development.

According to him, as human beings they would definitely offend one another and more especially when the opportunity came for them to compete for the new chief position there must be some difference but now that things has come to a successful end, they should come together to fight for development.

He therefore called on citizens of Kumawu Bomeng especially those outside the community and the country to all come on board to ensure the development of Kumawu Bomeng.He also commended his elders and the people for their support and pledged to do his part to help fast track development of the area.

Nana Kwarteng Agyekumhene stressed on the need for them to help maintain the relative peace in the area since no society or community can develop in a confusion state.


The Newly crowned chief of Kumawu-Bomeng in the Sekyere Kumawu District of Ashanti region,Nana Kwarteng Agyakumhene II,has called on citizens of Kumawu Bomeng to come together as one to ensure development.


Speaking during the crowning ceremony at Effiduasi in the Sekyere East District of Ashanti, he mentioned that, Kumawu Bomeng use to have odikro as traditional leader of the community many years ago but the title has now been upgraded today to a chief status.

The new status,Nana Agyekumhene explained would go along way to help the community to take decisions on their own to accelerate development.

According to him, as human beings they would definitely offend one another and more especially when the opportunity came for them to compete for the new chief position there must be some difference but now that things has come to a successful end, they should come together to fight for development.

He therefore called on citizens of Kumawu Bomeng especially those outside the community and the country to all come on board to ensure the development of Kumawu Bomeng.He also commended his elders and the people for their support and pledged to do his part to help fast track development of the area.

Nana Kwarteng Agyekumhene stressed on the need for them to help maintain the relative peace in the area since no society or community can develop in a confusion state.

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