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The Director General of National Sports Authority (KNUST),Prof.Peter Twumasi has donated educational materials Worth thousands of Ghana cedis to Ahafo Ano South West district in the Ashanti region.
The NSA boss said ” the Management of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTER and I are confident that this gesture will impact positively and significantly on totality of education, and BECE performance in particular, in the Ahafo Ano South West District.
Below is the full speech read by Prof Peter Twumasi on the occasion of the donation of educational materials to Ahafo Ano South West (AASW) District Education

Salutation: Nananom ,Hon Joseph Bonsu, District Chief Executive of AASW District
Hon Sampson Adu, MP for AASW Constituency /Representative
Government Officials and political leadership present
Honourable Members of the AASW District Assembly
Mr Alfred Kojo Boateng, Director of Education, AASW District, Mankranso
Heads of various Departments at the Assembly, AASW
Headmasters/Headmistresses,Teachers and students,invited Guests ,Friends from various media houses ,Ladies and gentlemen

Purpose of gathering :

It is a great honour to welcome all of you to this important but brief ceremony to witness donation of educational materials by PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE to support education in the AHAFO ANO SOUTH WEST DISTRICT.

Being a native of the Ahafo Ano South West District, having been born at Akwasiworo in 1974 and received all my basic education here, starting from Abodease L/A Primary School, Pewodie Middle School (up to Form 2) and finally at Anyinasuso JSS (pioneering class of 1990), and now becoming a Professor, I passionately consider education as most reliable tool available to provide livelihood for our children as well as developing our communities.

It is also upon these benefits that I and my siblings have derived from this area, that we constantly assist these schools over the years.

Today, however, the support has gone beyond our Alma Mater to benefit all schools in the district. Thanks to the establishment of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE to support development in this district not only in the area of Education but in Agroindustry, Health, Sports, Technology Transfer and Training, Environment and Media.

Establishment of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE (Mankranso) and Objectives :

The PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE located at Mankranso was established early this year to partner the District and other developmental partners to provide services in the areas mentioned.

The office is located near the District Court House and it’s expected to extend branches to other communities in the District. The general public is advised to visit the offices to access various services provided by the Centre.

Growing up at Abroye Farmhouse at Abodease-Akwasiworo Twin Village:
My upbringing in this area is well documented in the 2019 published memoir which copies would be presente
d to all school libraries in the District. It is a book written to honour my parents, Agya Atta Ofori Panin and Maame Adwoa Addai Pomaa, and also to serve as motivation to our young ones knowing that others too walked though same paths to the top. Yes they can do it too.
My maternal grandmother, Nana Yaa Ataa and her twin brother, Nana Yaw Atta, their brother Nana Kofi Amoah, and my uncles Wofa Kwadwo Boakye, Wofa Kwasi Joshua, and others acquired farm lands and houses here in Mankranso and other surrounding villages and they are all maintained by us till date.

I remember growing up in my father’s farmhouse called Abroye near Abodease-Akwasiworo Twin Village, the children usually assisted our parents on the farms, weeding, planting and harvesting especially over weekends and during vacation. One whole academic year I was made to skip school and chase birds on my father’s rice farm. Fishing, hunting birds and other bush animals with catapults and guns were every boy’s hobby.
After completing primary school at Abodease, some of us chose to continue with Middle School education either at Hwibaa/Wioso or Pewodie. In my case, I attended Pewodie Middle School for a year, and with advent of the new Junior Secondary School system, I changed school to Anyinasuso JSS to enable me join the new system which promised to equip students with craftsmanship in areas of masonry, carpentry etc.

Being studious and fortunate to qualify for secondary school, first in my family, I entered Kumasi Academy and successfully qualified to university in 1993 maiden SSSCE. Moreover, being the only Science Student of Kumaca to qualify for university, I entered KNUST Biochemistry Programme and finished on top of a class of 34 and I was awarded scholarships to The Netherlands (Holland) to pursue Masters and PhD degrees.
I returned to KNUST in 2007 as lecturer and rose to Head of Department and a Professor; and in December 2019 I was appointed by His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as Director General of the National Sports Authority.
Indeed God has uniformly distributed talents to every corner of our world – what is lacking is, however, man’s ability to harness these talents to the benefit of society.

That is why I am confident that our students here can compete with their city counterpart to serve their country at the top echelon in all sectors in our society.

Items being Donated today: 1,140 mathematical sets for all BECE Candidates in AASW District; 100 pcs of Memoir of Prof Twumasi and Family to all school libraries in AASW District

This morning the PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE, of which I am the founder, is donating 1,140 mathematical sets to cover all BECE candidates sitting for the 2022 exams. The Director of Education for the District will also receive on behalf of all schools in the District 100 copies of my authored book, “RISING FROM THE FARMHOUSE” to be kept in their school libraries to serve as a guide and motivation to our future leaders. Current market value for both items is about Seventeen Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 17,000.00).

Institutions of Scholarships and Teacher/School Awards
Additionally, to create competitiveness in this year’s BECE and sustain for the next five (5) years, the PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE is setting up student scholarships and teacher motivational awards beginning this year 2022.
Category 1:Top three (3) candidates will receive 2022 PROF TWUMASI BECE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS (PACKAGE: GHS 2,000, books and a certificate each).
Category 2: 2022 PROF TWUMASI Best Performing Male and Female Teacher Awards (PACKAGE: GHS 1,000, a laptop and a certificate each).
The value of the scholarship and teacher/school awards is about Twenty One Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 21,000.00).

Concluding Remarks
The Management of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTER and I are confident that this gesture will impact positively and significantly on totality of education, and BECE performance in particular, in the Ahafo Ano South West District.
Thank you for your patience and attention.
God bless us all.




The Director General of National Sports Authority (KNUST),Prof.Peter Twumasi has donated educational materials Worth thousands of Ghana cedis to Ahafo Ano South West district in the Ashanti region.
The NSA boss said ” the Management of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTER and I are confident that this gesture will impact positively and significantly on totality of education, and BECE performance in particular, in the Ahafo Ano South West District.
Below is the full speech read by Prof Peter Twumasi on the occasion of the donation of educational materials to Ahafo Ano South West (AASW) District Education

Salutation: Nananom ,Hon Joseph Bonsu, District Chief Executive of AASW District
Hon Sampson Adu, MP for AASW Constituency /Representative
Government Officials and political leadership present
Honourable Members of the AASW District Assembly
Mr Alfred Kojo Boateng, Director of Education, AASW District, Mankranso
Heads of various Departments at the Assembly, AASW
Headmasters/Headmistresses,Teachers and students,invited Guests ,Friends from various media houses ,Ladies and gentlemen

Purpose of gathering :

It is a great honour to welcome all of you to this important but brief ceremony to witness donation of educational materials by PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE to support education in the AHAFO ANO SOUTH WEST DISTRICT.

Being a native of the Ahafo Ano South West District, having been born at Akwasiworo in 1974 and received all my basic education here, starting from Abodease L/A Primary School, Pewodie Middle School (up to Form 2) and finally at Anyinasuso JSS (pioneering class of 1990), and now becoming a Professor, I passionately consider education as most reliable tool available to provide livelihood for our children as well as developing our communities.

It is also upon these benefits that I and my siblings have derived from this area, that we constantly assist these schools over the years.

Today, however, the support has gone beyond our Alma Mater to benefit all schools in the district. Thanks to the establishment of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE to support development in this district not only in the area of Education but in Agroindustry, Health, Sports, Technology Transfer and Training, Environment and Media.

Establishment of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE (Mankranso) and Objectives :

The PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE located at Mankranso was established early this year to partner the District and other developmental partners to provide services in the areas mentioned.

The office is located near the District Court House and it’s expected to extend branches to other communities in the District. The general public is advised to visit the offices to access various services provided by the Centre.

Growing up at Abroye Farmhouse at Abodease-Akwasiworo Twin Village:
My upbringing in this area is well documented in the 2019 published memoir which copies would be presente
d to all school libraries in the District. It is a book written to honour my parents, Agya Atta Ofori Panin and Maame Adwoa Addai Pomaa, and also to serve as motivation to our young ones knowing that others too walked though same paths to the top. Yes they can do it too.
My maternal grandmother, Nana Yaa Ataa and her twin brother, Nana Yaw Atta, their brother Nana Kofi Amoah, and my uncles Wofa Kwadwo Boakye, Wofa Kwasi Joshua, and others acquired farm lands and houses here in Mankranso and other surrounding villages and they are all maintained by us till date.

I remember growing up in my father’s farmhouse called Abroye near Abodease-Akwasiworo Twin Village, the children usually assisted our parents on the farms, weeding, planting and harvesting especially over weekends and during vacation. One whole academic year I was made to skip school and chase birds on my father’s rice farm. Fishing, hunting birds and other bush animals with catapults and guns were every boy’s hobby.
After completing primary school at Abodease, some of us chose to continue with Middle School education either at Hwibaa/Wioso or Pewodie. In my case, I attended Pewodie Middle School for a year, and with advent of the new Junior Secondary School system, I changed school to Anyinasuso JSS to enable me join the new system which promised to equip students with craftsmanship in areas of masonry, carpentry etc.

Being studious and fortunate to qualify for secondary school, first in my family, I entered Kumasi Academy and successfully qualified to university in 1993 maiden SSSCE. Moreover, being the only Science Student of Kumaca to qualify for university, I entered KNUST Biochemistry Programme and finished on top of a class of 34 and I was awarded scholarships to The Netherlands (Holland) to pursue Masters and PhD degrees.
I returned to KNUST in 2007 as lecturer and rose to Head of Department and a Professor; and in December 2019 I was appointed by His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as Director General of the National Sports Authority.
Indeed God has uniformly distributed talents to every corner of our world – what is lacking is, however, man’s ability to harness these talents to the benefit of society.

That is why I am confident that our students here can compete with their city counterpart to serve their country at the top echelon in all sectors in our society.

Items being Donated today: 1,140 mathematical sets for all BECE Candidates in AASW District; 100 pcs of Memoir of Prof Twumasi and Family to all school libraries in AASW District

This morning the PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE, of which I am the founder, is donating 1,140 mathematical sets to cover all BECE candidates sitting for the 2022 exams. The Director of Education for the District will also receive on behalf of all schools in the District 100 copies of my authored book, “RISING FROM THE FARMHOUSE” to be kept in their school libraries to serve as a guide and motivation to our future leaders. Current market value for both items is about Seventeen Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 17,000.00).

Institutions of Scholarships and Teacher/School Awards
Additionally, to create competitiveness in this year’s BECE and sustain for the next five (5) years, the PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTRE is setting up student scholarships and teacher motivational awards beginning this year 2022.
Category 1:Top three (3) candidates will receive 2022 PROF TWUMASI BECE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS (PACKAGE: GHS 2,000, books and a certificate each).
Category 2: 2022 PROF TWUMASI Best Performing Male and Female Teacher Awards (PACKAGE: GHS 1,000, a laptop and a certificate each).
The value of the scholarship and teacher/school awards is about Twenty One Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS 21,000.00).

Concluding Remarks
The Management of PROF TWUMASI PROJECT CENTER and I are confident that this gesture will impact positively and significantly on totality of education, and BECE performance in particular, in the Ahafo Ano South West District.
Thank you for your patience and attention.
God bless us all.

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